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Traveling During a Pandemic: Round 2

Let me put this out there: I appreciate that my need to travel during a pandemic is part of why airline/airport/car rental/TSA/customs and border/etc employees still have to go to work during this time. I value their health and safety and realize the risk they are undertaking by continuing to go to work, especially when…

Travel Restrictions. The realities, the myths, and the extra challenges of an international marriage during COVID.

Travel Restrictions. The realities, the myths, and the extra challenges of an international marriage during COVID.

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you need some light reading to help keep your mind from wandering? Well, look no further than the land of trying to figure out if there is a way to get a visa here or there or which flights you can take into which country during the…

Part II: Flying Home

Part II: Flying Home

The process of me getting to Vermont from the ship in Manila took approximately 38 hours. In those 38 hours after leaving the ship I had my temperature checked three times (after I’d already had it checked twice onboard), went through security four times, watched a lot of movies, and in a testament to both…

Where Are We Going?: May 2020 Edition
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Where Are We Going?: May 2020 Edition

I’ve written a bit about how the ability to be flexible in this situation is what keeps you sane and functioning. That hasn’t changed in the last month, as we have no idea where we’re going. I seem to have gotten to a complacent level of that though as at this point I don’t really…

Testing, Typhoons, and Tenders: Manila Update
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Testing, Typhoons, and Tenders: Manila Update

Alright, alright. I promised an update this week, and an update it shall be. We are still at anchor off of Manila in the Philippines. There are still lots of ships here with more joining our ranks daily. According to www.cruisemapper.com there are currently 23 ships here with more on their way. The first few…