Privacy Policy

Life of Iris blog is meant for entertainment purposes only.

Marketing and Cookie Disclosure

This website uses affiliate marketing and is a member of AmazonAwin, CJ, Expedia, and Travel Payouts affiliate marketing programs. There are also affiliate links working directly with specific companies.

Through these means I may earn a commission based either on clicks or purchases at no additional cost to the reader or consumer.

These advertisers may use cookies and other technology to track non-identifying data. Each individual advertiser and affiliate is responsible for their own cookie policy and if you have questions about their policy you should refer to their site.

This site also collects data through cookies and is used to track which pages visitors are viewing, what links they’re clicking, and general information like what geographic region they are in. This helps us tailor the site to what visitors are actually interested in and improve future content.

No personally identifiable data is collected by Life of Iris.

Cruise Line Stock and Employer Disclosure

This blog is in no way affiliated with any particular cruise line. All views are my own, those of a contributor, and do not in any way represent the views of a particular cruise line, my employer, or my husband’s employer.

When presenting information I do my best to remain unbiased and base it on my personal experience or the recommendations and experience of others.  However, I have been an employee of and my husband is still employed by a major cruise line, and as such my opinion is likely biased.

The opinions expressed on this blog are my own or are those of a contributing writer, reviewed, and published by myself.  All information provided on this blog is true to the best of my knowledge and was done with no malicious intent to any party.

And, in the interest of transparency, the writer of this blog holds CCL (Carnival Corporation) stocks. This does not implicitly impact recommendations or writings.