
Accountability: June 2020

June was an interesting month. I started the month onboard the ship with no even indication that would change. I started shadowing and working with the Environmental Officer onboard to learn about his job and see if I wanted to apply for it (fun fact, I would actually use my degree for that job!). I was doing shipboard announcements twice a day. I was making face masks. Basically, three months in, I was into a routine and on a daily basis felt like I was accomplishing something and learning something. It felt like I was going to school without having to pay to go to school.

Then, right as I was making progress on all of this, I got told I was going home. Whomp. Whomp for so many reasons. I’m happy to be home to see family and friends, but I felt like I was making progress towards a potential career once again. A few months of feeling like I would never get a job onboard again (because of massive layoffs and no idea when passengers will come back), and then just as I got going it was time to say adios.

I’m keeping myself busy in Vermont. I decided to completely tear apart one of the bedrooms in our house and redo it for the sake of a new, bigger window. I worked on cleaning up the flower beds and mowed the lawn… you know, basic normal life stuff.

As I don’t know what the rest of our year looks like at all so I’ve decided that my only land based goals are to finish this bedroom remodel and to see my family and friends as much as I can safely do.

Here are the rest of the goals:

  • 15 French lessons per month + watch one movie in French per week. 
    • Should I even still have this here? Maybe now that I’m on land I will actually get my rear in gear.
  • Post every Tuesday and Thursday, also at least one Saturday post.
    • I did a Monday post… but I kept to my Tuesday’s and Thursdays!
  • NEW GOAL: Increase my “followers” by at least 20 people between email, WordPress, and Facebook.
    • Minor success on this – I increased it by 14.
  • Do one thing per month towards getting a job with follow-up action. Work to develop a skill, or find a course to take, that will improve my resume so that when things start to open up again they just can’t say no.
    • I was working towards this on board, just have to keep it going and find an online course or two to take to up my resume game.
  •  Make sure even while traveling I talk to my mom, my brother, and my grandmother at least once a week and check in with my closest friends at least every other week.
    • Instead I just came home.
  • Go for a walk on deck at least every other day while on the ship.
    • We were playing pickle ball every day. This clearly needs to get modified for next month.
  • Read at least two books.
    • Success!

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